A B C E F G I J L M N O P R S T U V W _ 


A - Variable in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.VectorsPL
A_DataMatrix - Class in org.ssclab.pl.milp.util
A_DataMatrix(double[][], String) - Constructor for class org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.A_DataMatrix
A_Matrix - Class in org.ssclab.pl.milp.util
A_Matrix(double[][], String) - Constructor for class org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.A_Matrix
A_Matrix(int, int, String) - Constructor for class org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.A_Matrix
add(Constraint) - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.ListConstraints
Adds a new constraint to the list of constraints.
addVar(String, int) - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.SosGroup
aprint() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.InternalConstraint
array_bin - Variable in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.ArrayProblem
array_int - Variable in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.ArrayProblem
array_lower - Variable in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.ArrayProblem
array_sec - Variable in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.ArrayProblem
array_sos - Variable in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.ArrayProblem
array_upper - Variable in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.ArrayProblem
ArrayProblem - Class in org.ssclab.pl.milp
ArrayProblem(int) - Constructor for class org.ssclab.pl.milp.ArrayProblem
AUTO - org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.LPThreadsNumber


B - Variable in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.VectorsPL
BIN - org.ssclab.pl.milp.ConsType
To define binary variables
BINARY - org.ssclab.pl.milp.Variable.TYPE_VAR


C - Variable in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.VectorsPL
cepsilon - Variable in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.Epsilons
clone() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.InternalConstraint
clone() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.SosGroup
close() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.A_DataMatrix
close() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.A_Matrix
COEFF - org.ssclab.pl.milp.FormatTypeInput.FormatType
The type of format present in the Input object is coefficients
config(String) - Static method in class org.ssclab.log.SscLogger
Logs a configuration message with the log level CONFIG.
Constraint - Class in org.ssclab.pl.milp
This class allows you to build objects, each of which represents a constraint for a linear programming problem expressed in matrix notation
Constraint(double[], ConsType, double) - Constructor for class org.ssclab.pl.milp.Constraint
Constraint(double[], ConsType, double, String) - Constructor for class org.ssclab.pl.milp.Constraint
ConsType - Enum in org.ssclab.pl.milp
Enumeration used to define the type of relationship in a Constraint object.
createConstraintBanal(int) - Static method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.InternalConstraint
createConstraintFromVar(int, int, Double, InternalConstraint.TYPE_CONSTR) - Static method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.InternalConstraint
CsvSplitter - Class in org.ssclab.pl.milp.util
CsvSplitter() - Constructor for class org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.CsvSplitter


epsilon - Variable in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.Epsilons
EPSILON - Enum in org.ssclab.pl.milp
Enumeration for epsilon values ranging from 1E-16 to 1E-4.
Epsilons - Class in org.ssclab.pl.milp
Epsilons() - Constructor for class org.ssclab.pl.milp.Epsilons
EQ - org.ssclab.pl.milp.ConsType
To define a constraint of the type =
EQ - org.ssclab.pl.milp.InternalConstraint.TYPE_CONSTR
error(String) - Static method in class org.ssclab.log.SscLogger
Logs an error message with a custom log level SscLevel.ERROR.
ERROR - Static variable in class org.ssclab.log.SscLevel
Custom log level for error messages.


father_pl_original_zero - Variable in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.MILP
FEASIBLE - org.ssclab.pl.milp.SolutionType
The problem has feasible solutions.
fine(String) - Static method in class org.ssclab.log.SscLogger
Logs a detailed message with the log level FINE.
formatted(boolean) - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.JsonSolution
Formatted the Json String if save into String or File.
FormatTypeInput - Interface in org.ssclab.pl.milp
This interface contains an enumeration that allows you to define the type of format present in the Input object, passed as an argument to the LP or MILP objects: Sparse or coefficient.
FormatTypeInput.FormatType - Enum in org.ssclab.pl.milp
Enumeration used to define the type of format utilized.


GE - org.ssclab.pl.milp.ConsType
To define a constraint of the type > =
GE - org.ssclab.pl.milp.InternalConstraint.TYPE_CONSTR
getAi() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.InternalConstraint
getAij(int) - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.InternalConstraint
getAj() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.Constraint
getBi() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.InternalConstraint
getC() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.LinearObjectiveFunction
getCepsilon() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.MILP
getCEpsilon() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.LP
getConsType() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.InternalConstraint
getEpsilon() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.LP
getEpsilon() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.MILP
getGoalType() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.LP
Returns the goal type set for the linear programming problem.
getGoalType() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.MILP
Returns the goal type set for the linear programming problem.
getIepsilon() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.MILP
getJsonObject() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.JsonSolution
Returns the JSON object built using the jakarta.json library.
getListConstraint() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.ListConstraints
Returns the list of constraints.
getLogger() - Static method in class org.ssclab.log.SscLogger
Returns the logger instance used by the application.
getLower() - Method in interface org.ssclab.pl.milp.Variable
Retrieves its lower bound.
getMatrix() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.A_DataMatrix
getName() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.Constraint
getName() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.InternalConstraint
getName() - Method in interface org.ssclab.pl.milp.SolutionConstraint
Retrieves the name of the constraint.
getName() - Method in interface org.ssclab.pl.milp.Variable
Retrieves the name of the variable.
getnCol() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.A_DataMatrix
getnCol() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.A_Matrix
getnRow() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.A_DataMatrix
getnRow() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.A_Matrix
getNumberThread() - Method in enum org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.LPThreadsNumber
getNumLp() - Method in enum org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.MILPThreadsNumber
getNumMaxIteration() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.LP
This method returns the maximum number of simplex iterations
getNumMaxIterationForSingleSimplex() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.MILP
getNumMaxSimplexs() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.MILP
getOptimumValue() - Method in interface org.ssclab.pl.milp.Solution
Retrieves the optimal value assumed by the objective function.
getRel() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.Constraint
getRel() - Method in interface org.ssclab.pl.milp.SolutionConstraint
Retrieves the type of constraint (GE, LE, EQ).
getRelaxedSolution() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.MILP
This method returns the solution of the problem by removing the integer constraints (relaxed solution).
getRhs() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.Constraint
getRhs() - Method in interface org.ssclab.pl.milp.SolutionConstraint
Retrieves the fixed component Rhs of the constraint.
getSolution() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.LP
If the problem has an optimal solution, this method returns that optimal solution in the form of an object of the Solution class.
getSolution() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.MILP
This method returns, if it exists, the optimal integer, mixed-integer, or binary solution.
getSolutionAsJson(SolutionDetail...) - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.LP
Returns a JsonSolution object that represents the solution of the Linear Programming (LP) or Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP) problem in JSON format.
getSolutionAsJson(SolutionDetail...) - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.MILP
Returns a JsonSolution object that represents the solution of the Linear Programming (LP) or Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP) problem in JSON format.
getSolutionConstraint() - Method in interface org.ssclab.pl.milp.Solution
Retrieves an array of SolutionConstraint objects from which to obtain the value that each constraint assumes by substituting the optimal solution for the unknown variables.
getStandartMatrixA() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.LP
This method returns the matrix A obtained after the process of reduction to standard form (max z , Ax + s=b, x ≥ 0, b ≥ 0) of the original linear programming problem.
getStandartVectorB() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.LP
This method returns the vector b of the rhs values obtained after the process of reduction to standard form(max z , Ax+s=b, x ≥ 0, b ≥ 0) of the original linear programming problem.
getStandartVectorC() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.LP
This method returns the vector c of the coefficients of the objective function after the process of reduction to standard form (max z , Ax+s=b, x ≥ 0, b ≥ 0) of the original linear programming problem.
getThread() - Method in enum org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.MILPThreadsNumber
getThreadNumber() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.MILP
getThreadsNumber() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.LP
getType() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.InternalConstraint
getType() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.LinearObjectiveFunction
getType() - Method in interface org.ssclab.pl.milp.Variable
Retrieves the type of the variable (integer, binary, continuous).
getTypeSolution() - Method in interface org.ssclab.pl.milp.Solution
Retrieves the type of solution obtained.
getUpper() - Method in interface org.ssclab.pl.milp.Variable
Retrieves its upper bound if set (by default it is + ∞)
getValue() - Method in enum org.ssclab.pl.milp.ConsType
Retrieves the value associated with the enumeration.
getValue() - Method in enum org.ssclab.pl.milp.EPSILON
getValue() - Method in interface org.ssclab.pl.milp.Solution
Retrieves the value assumed by the objective function.
getValue() - Method in interface org.ssclab.pl.milp.SolutionConstraint
Retrieves the value that the LHS component assumes by substituting the unknown variables with the determined optimal solution.
getValue() - Method in enum org.ssclab.pl.milp.SolutionType
Retrieves the value associated with the enumeration.
getValue() - Method in interface org.ssclab.pl.milp.Variable
Retrieves the optimal value assumed by the variable within the determined optimal solution.
getValue() - Method in enum org.ssclab.pl.milp.Variable.TYPE_VAR
Retrieves the value associated with the enumeration.
getValuesSolution() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.LP
If the problem has an optimal solution, this method returns that optimal solution in the form of an array with the values of the variables.
getValuesSolution() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.MILP
If the problem has an optimal solution, this method returns that optimal solution in the form of an array with the values of the variables.
getValuesSolution() - Method in interface org.ssclab.pl.milp.Solution
Retrieves the values of the variables in an array.
getVariables() - Method in interface org.ssclab.pl.milp.Solution
Retrieves an array of Variable objects from which to obtain the characteristics and the optimal value assumed by each variable.
GoalType - Enum in org.ssclab.pl.milp
This enumeration allows declaring the type of optimization sought on the objective function: maximization or minimization.
GroupVar(String, int) - Constructor for class org.ssclab.pl.milp.SosGroup.GroupVar


iepsilon - Variable in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.Epsilons
ILLIMITATUM - org.ssclab.pl.milp.SolutionType
The problem has unlimited optimal solution.
INCLUDE_BOUNDS - org.ssclab.pl.milp.SolutionDetail
Includes the upper and lower bounds for each variable in the solution.
INCLUDE_CONSTRAINT - org.ssclab.pl.milp.SolutionDetail
Adds the LHS (Left-Hand Side) and RHS (Right-Hand Side) values for the problem's constraints.
INCLUDE_META - org.ssclab.pl.milp.SolutionDetail
Provides meta-information about the optimization process, such as execution time, number of iterations, number of threads, and other details.
INCLUDE_RELAXED - org.ssclab.pl.milp.SolutionDetail
Includes the relaxed solution, in addition to the integer solution.
INCLUDE_TYPEVAR - org.ssclab.pl.milp.SolutionDetail
Includes the original type of each variable (e.g., integer, binary, continuous).
index - Variable in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.SosGroup.GroupVar
INFEASIBLE - Static variable in enum org.ssclab.pl.milp.SolutionType
info(String) - Static method in class org.ssclab.log.SscLogger
Logs an informational message with the log level INFO.
INT - org.ssclab.pl.milp.ConsType
To define integer variables
INTEGER - org.ssclab.pl.milp.Variable.TYPE_VAR
InternalConstraint - Class in org.ssclab.pl.milp
InternalConstraint() - Constructor for class org.ssclab.pl.milp.InternalConstraint
InternalConstraint(int) - Constructor for class org.ssclab.pl.milp.InternalConstraint
InternalConstraint.TYPE_CONSTR - Enum in org.ssclab.pl.milp
isFree() - Method in interface org.ssclab.pl.milp.Variable
Retrieves true if the variable is free.
isJustTakeFeasibleSolution() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.LP
Returns true if only phase 1 execution is set to obtain a feasible solution.
isJustTakeFeasibleSolution() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.MILP
isMilp - Variable in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.ArrayProblem
isParallelSimplex() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.LP


JsonProblem - Class in org.ssclab.pl.milp
The JsonProblem class represents a problem in JSON format that can be loaded either from a file or a string.
JsonProblem(String) - Constructor for class org.ssclab.pl.milp.JsonProblem
Constructs a JsonProblem from a JSON string.
JsonProblem(Path) - Constructor for class org.ssclab.pl.milp.JsonProblem
Constructs a JsonProblem from a file path.
JsonSolution - Class in org.ssclab.pl.milp
This class represents the solution of a Linear Programming (LP) problem in JSON format.


LE - org.ssclab.pl.milp.ConsType
To define a constraint of the type < =
LE - org.ssclab.pl.milp.InternalConstraint.TYPE_CONSTR
LinearObjectiveFunction - Class in org.ssclab.pl.milp
This class allows instantiating objects representing the objective function in linear programming problems expressed in matrix notation.
LinearObjectiveFunction(double[], GoalType) - Constructor for class org.ssclab.pl.milp.LinearObjectiveFunction
ListConstraints - Class in org.ssclab.pl.milp
The ListConstraints class represents a collection of constraints for a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) problem.
ListConstraints() - Constructor for class org.ssclab.pl.milp.ListConstraints
Constructs an empty ListConstraints object.
listSosGroup - Variable in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.ArrayProblem
listVar - Variable in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.SosGroup
log(String) - Static method in class org.ssclab.log.SscLogger
Logs a message with a custom log level SscLevel.LOG.
LOG - Static variable in class org.ssclab.log.SscLevel
Custom log level for general messages.
logFormatted(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.ssclab.log.SscLogger
Logs a formatted message using the String.format(String, Object...) method.
LOWER - org.ssclab.pl.milp.ConsType
For defining Lower bounds
LP - Class in org.ssclab.pl.milp
This class allows executing and solving formulations of linear programming problems.
LP(String) - Constructor for class org.ssclab.pl.milp.LP
Constructor for use with the problem statement in text format stored in an String.
LP(Path) - Constructor for class org.ssclab.pl.milp.LP
Constructor for use with the problem statement in text format stored in an external file.
LP(ArrayList<String>) - Constructor for class org.ssclab.pl.milp.LP
Constructor for use with the problem statement in text format stored in an ArrayList.
LP(JsonProblem) - Constructor for class org.ssclab.pl.milp.LP
Constructor of a LP object for solving problems formulated in json format.
LP(LinearObjectiveFunction, ArrayList<Constraint>) - Constructor for class org.ssclab.pl.milp.LP
Constructor Creates an LP object for solving problems expressed in matrix format.
LP(LinearObjectiveFunction, ListConstraints) - Constructor for class org.ssclab.pl.milp.LP
Constructor of an LP object for solving problems expressed in matrix format.
LP(Input) - Constructor for class org.ssclab.pl.milp.LP
Constructor of an LP object for solving problems expressed in coefficient format.
LP(Input, Session) - Constructor for class org.ssclab.pl.milp.LP
Constructor of an LP object for solving problems expressed in coefficient format.
LP(Input, Session, FormatTypeInput.FormatType) - Constructor for class org.ssclab.pl.milp.LP
Constructor of an LP object for solving problems expressed in sparse format or coefficient format.
LP(Input, FormatTypeInput.FormatType) - Constructor for class org.ssclab.pl.milp.LP
Constructor of an LP object for solving problems expressed in either sparse or coefficient format.
LPException - Exception in org.ssclab.pl.milp
This class represents an exception specific to Linear Programming (LP) operations.
LPException(String) - Constructor for exception org.ssclab.pl.milp.LPException
Constructs an LPException with the specified detail message.
LPThreadsNumber - Enum in org.ssclab.pl.milp.util


main(String[]) - Static method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.A_DataMatrix
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.A_Matrix
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.CsvSplitter
MAX - org.ssclab.pl.milp.GoalType
MAX_ITERATIONS - Static variable in enum org.ssclab.pl.milp.SolutionType
MAX_ITERATIUM - org.ssclab.pl.milp.SolutionType
The algorithm stopped because the maximum number of iterations was reached.
MAX_NUM_SIMPLEX - org.ssclab.pl.milp.SolutionType
The branch and bound algorithm stopped because the maximum number of simplexes was reached.
MILP - Class in org.ssclab.pl.milp
This class allows executing and solving formulations of mixed integer linear programming problems, binary or semicontinuous.
MILP(String) - Constructor for class org.ssclab.pl.milp.MILP
Constructor of a MILP object for solving problems formulated in inequality format contained in an external file.
MILP(Path) - Constructor for class org.ssclab.pl.milp.MILP
Constructor of a MILP object for solving problems formulated in inequality format contained in an external file.
MILP(ArrayList<String>) - Constructor for class org.ssclab.pl.milp.MILP
Constructor of a MILP object for solving problems formulated in inequality format contained in an ArrayList of Strings.
MILP(JsonProblem) - Constructor for class org.ssclab.pl.milp.MILP
Constructor of a MILP object for solving problems formulated in json format.
MILP(LinearObjectiveFunction, ArrayList<Constraint>) - Constructor for class org.ssclab.pl.milp.MILP
Constructor of a MILP object for solving problems expressed in matrix format.
MILP(LinearObjectiveFunction, ListConstraints) - Constructor for class org.ssclab.pl.milp.MILP
Constructor of a MILP object for solving problems expressed in matrix format.
MILP(Input) - Constructor for class org.ssclab.pl.milp.MILP
Constructor of a MILP object for solving problems expressed in coefficient format.
MILP(Input, Session) - Constructor for class org.ssclab.pl.milp.MILP
Constructor of a MILP object for solving problems expressed in coefficient format.
MILP(Input, Session, FormatTypeInput.FormatType) - Constructor for class org.ssclab.pl.milp.MILP
Constructor of a MILP object for solving problems expressed in either sparse or coefficient format.
MILP(Input, FormatTypeInput.FormatType) - Constructor for class org.ssclab.pl.milp.MILP
Constructor of a MILP object for solving problems expressed in sparse or coefficient format.
MILPThreadsNumber - Enum in org.ssclab.pl.milp.util
MIN - org.ssclab.pl.milp.GoalType


N_1 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.LPThreadsNumber
N_1 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.MILPThreadsNumber
N_10 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.LPThreadsNumber
N_10 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.MILPThreadsNumber
N_12 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.LPThreadsNumber
N_12 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.MILPThreadsNumber
N_128 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.LPThreadsNumber
N_128 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.MILPThreadsNumber
N_16 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.LPThreadsNumber
N_16 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.MILPThreadsNumber
N_2 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.LPThreadsNumber
N_2 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.MILPThreadsNumber
N_20 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.LPThreadsNumber
N_20 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.MILPThreadsNumber
N_24 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.LPThreadsNumber
N_24 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.MILPThreadsNumber
N_32 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.LPThreadsNumber
N_32 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.MILPThreadsNumber
N_4 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.LPThreadsNumber
N_4 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.MILPThreadsNumber
N_6 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.LPThreadsNumber
N_6 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.MILPThreadsNumber
N_64 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.LPThreadsNumber
N_64 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.MILPThreadsNumber
N_8 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.LPThreadsNumber
N_8 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.MILPThreadsNumber
name - Variable in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.SosGroup.GroupVar
NaN - Static variable in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.LP
NaN - Static variable in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.MILP
note(String) - Static method in class org.ssclab.log.SscLogger
Logs a note with a custom log level SscLevel.NOTE.
NOTE - Static variable in class org.ssclab.log.SscLevel
Custom log level for notes or annotations.


OPTIMAL - Static variable in enum org.ssclab.pl.milp.SolutionType
OPTIMUM - org.ssclab.pl.milp.SolutionType
The problem has an optimal solution.
org.ssclab.log - package org.ssclab.log
The org.ssclab.log package provides custom logging utilities for the SSC application.
org.ssclab.pl.milp - package org.ssclab.pl.milp
This package contains classes for solving linear programming problems.
org.ssclab.pl.milp.util - package org.ssclab.pl.milp.util
This package contains classes of utility for solving linear programming problems.


ParseException - Exception in org.ssclab.pl.milp
ParseException(String) - Constructor for exception org.ssclab.pl.milp.ParseException


readArray(int) - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.A_DataMatrix
readArray(int) - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.A_Matrix
readValue(int, int) - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.A_Matrix
REAL - org.ssclab.pl.milp.Variable.TYPE_VAR
resolve() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.LP
Executes the simplex (phase 1 + phase 2).
resolve() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.MILP
Executes the Branch and Bound algorithm.
resolve(Object) - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.LP
Solves the linear programming (LP) problem and returns the current instance of the LP object.
resolve(Object) - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.MILP
Solves the linear programming (MILP) problem and returns the current instance of the MILP object.


saveToFile(String) - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.JsonSolution
Saves the JSON object to an external file.
SEMICONT - org.ssclab.pl.milp.ConsType
To define semicontinuous variables
setAi(double[]) - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.InternalConstraint
setAij(int, double) - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.InternalConstraint
setBi(double) - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.InternalConstraint
setCEpsilon(EPSILON) - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.LP
This method allows setting the epsilon value relative to the tolerance in determining if an optimal solution expressed by phase 1 is close to or equal to zero and thus gives rise to feasible solutions for the initial problem.
setCEpsilon(EPSILON) - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.MILP
This method allows setting the epsilon value relative to the tolerance for determining if an optimal solution of phase 1 of the simplex is close to or equal to zero and thus gives rise to feasible solutions for the problem.
setEpsilon(EPSILON) - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.LP
This method allows setting the epsilon value relative to the tolerance that intervenes in various contexts.
setEpsilon(EPSILON) - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.MILP
This method allows setting the epsilon value relative to the tolerance that intervenes in various aspects of the simplex.
setIEpsilon(EPSILON) - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.MILP
This method allows setting the epsilon value relative to the tolerance for determining if a number should be considered integer or not.
setJustTakeFeasibleSolution(boolean) - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.LP
Setting to true allows interrupting the simplex at the end of phase 1, in order to determine not an optimal solution but only a feasible solution of the problem.
setJustTakeFeasibleSolution(boolean) - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.MILP
Setting it to true allows interrupting the Branch and Bound in order to determine not an optimal solution but only a feasible solution to the problem.
setLevel(Level) - Static method in class org.ssclab.log.SscLogger
Sets the log level for the logger.
setLogToConsole() - Static method in class org.ssclab.log.SscLogger
Sets the logger to output log messages to the console.
setLogToFile(String) - Static method in class org.ssclab.log.SscLogger
Sets the logger to output log messages to a file.
setLogToFile(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.ssclab.log.SscLogger
Sets the logger to output log messages to a file with an option to append to the file.
setName(String) - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.Constraint
setName(String) - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.InternalConstraint
setNumMaxIteration(int) - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.LP
This method allows limiting the maximum number of simplex iterations (phase 1 iterations + phase 2 iterations)
setNumMaxIterationForSingleSimplex(int) - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.MILP
Method to set the number of iterations for each individual simplex.
setNumMaxSimplexs(int) - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.MILP
Method to set the maximum number of simplexes.
setParallelSimplex(boolean) - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.LP
If the number of physical cores of the host on which SSc is running is greater than 4 and and if the number of variables constraints and hundreds, the performance of the simplex can be improved by executing the optimization processes in parallel on multiple threads.
setThreadNumber(MILPThreadsNumber) - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.MILP
setThreadsNumber(LPThreadsNumber) - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.LP
If the set value is AUTO, the system decides the number of threads to use.
setThreadsNumber(MILPThreadsNumber) - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.MILP
This method allows setting the number of threads to use for executing the Branch and Bound.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.LP
Allows you to give a title to the current elaboration related to the LP problem to be solved
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.MILP
Allows you to give a title to the current elaboration related to the LP problem to be solved
setType(InternalConstraint.TYPE_CONSTR) - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.InternalConstraint
size() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.SosGroup
Solution - Interface in org.ssclab.pl.milp
This interface allows accessing the values taken by the n variables of the optimal solution.
SolutionConstraint - Interface in org.ssclab.pl.milp
This interface allows accessing a constraint of the LP problem where each unknown variable has been assigned the optimal value.
SolutionDetail - Enum in org.ssclab.pl.milp
Enumeration SolutionDetail defines optional parts of the solution that can be included in the JSON output when solving a Linear Programming (LP) or Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP) problem.
SolutionType - Enum in org.ssclab.pl.milp
This enumeration defines the different types of results that the two-phase method returns.
SOS1 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.SosGroup.TYPE_SOS_GROUP
SOS1_BIN - org.ssclab.pl.milp.SosGroup.TYPE_SOS_GROUP
SOS1_BIN_FORCE - org.ssclab.pl.milp.SosGroup.TYPE_SOS_GROUP
SOS1_INT - org.ssclab.pl.milp.SosGroup.TYPE_SOS_GROUP
SOS2 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.SosGroup.TYPE_SOS_GROUP
SOS2_BIN - org.ssclab.pl.milp.SosGroup.TYPE_SOS_GROUP
SOS2_BIN_FORCE - org.ssclab.pl.milp.SosGroup.TYPE_SOS_GROUP
SOS2_INT - org.ssclab.pl.milp.SosGroup.TYPE_SOS_GROUP
SosGroup - Class in org.ssclab.pl.milp
SosGroup(SosGroup.TYPE_SOS_GROUP) - Constructor for class org.ssclab.pl.milp.SosGroup
SosGroup.GroupVar - Class in org.ssclab.pl.milp
SosGroup.TYPE_SOS_GROUP - Enum in org.ssclab.pl.milp
SPARSE - org.ssclab.pl.milp.FormatTypeInput.FormatType
The type of format present in the Input object is sparse
splitterBounds(BufferedReader) - Static method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.CsvSplitter
splitterBoundsAndDouble(BufferedReader) - Static method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.CsvSplitter
SscLevel - Class in org.ssclab.log
The SscLevel class defines custom logging levels for the SSC application.
SscLevel(String, int) - Constructor for class org.ssclab.log.SscLevel
Constructs a new SscLevel object with a specified name and integer priority.
SscLogger - Class in org.ssclab.log
The SscLogger class is a custom logging utility for the SSC application.
SscLogger() - Constructor for class org.ssclab.log.SscLogger
standardize_b_positive() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.InternalConstraint


time(String) - Static method in class org.ssclab.log.SscLogger
Logs a timing message with a custom log level SscLevel.TIME.
TIME - Static variable in class org.ssclab.log.SscLevel
Custom log level for timing-related messages.
toString() - Method in enum org.ssclab.pl.milp.ConsType
Returns a string representation of the enumeration value.
toString() - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.JsonSolution
Returns the JSON representation of the solution as a String.
toString() - Method in enum org.ssclab.pl.milp.SolutionType
Returns a string representation of the enumeration value.
toString() - Method in enum org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.LPThreadsNumber
toString() - Method in enum org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.MILPThreadsNumber
toString() - Method in enum org.ssclab.pl.milp.Variable.TYPE_VAR
Returns a string representation of the enumeration value.
typeSos - Variable in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.SosGroup


UNBOUNDED - Static variable in enum org.ssclab.pl.milp.SolutionType
UNLIMITED - Static variable in enum org.ssclab.pl.milp.SolutionType
UPPER - org.ssclab.pl.milp.ConsType
For defining Upper bounds


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.ssclab.pl.milp.ConsType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.ssclab.pl.milp.EPSILON
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.ssclab.pl.milp.FormatTypeInput.FormatType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.ssclab.pl.milp.GoalType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.ssclab.pl.milp.InternalConstraint.TYPE_CONSTR
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.ssclab.pl.milp.SolutionDetail
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.ssclab.pl.milp.SolutionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.ssclab.pl.milp.SosGroup.TYPE_SOS_GROUP
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.LPThreadsNumber
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.MILPThreadsNumber
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.ssclab.pl.milp.Variable.TYPE_VAR
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.ssclab.pl.milp.ConsType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.ssclab.pl.milp.EPSILON
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.ssclab.pl.milp.FormatTypeInput.FormatType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.ssclab.pl.milp.GoalType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.ssclab.pl.milp.InternalConstraint.TYPE_CONSTR
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.ssclab.pl.milp.SolutionDetail
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.ssclab.pl.milp.SolutionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.ssclab.pl.milp.SosGroup.TYPE_SOS_GROUP
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.LPThreadsNumber
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.MILPThreadsNumber
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.ssclab.pl.milp.Variable.TYPE_VAR
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Variable - Interface in org.ssclab.pl.milp
This interface allows accessing the optimal value assumed by the j-th variable of the LP problem (j=1..N).
Variable.TYPE_VAR - Enum in org.ssclab.pl.milp
Defines the type of variable: integer, binary, or continuous.
VectorsPL - Class in org.ssclab.pl.milp.util
VectorsPL() - Constructor for class org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.VectorsPL
VUOTUM - org.ssclab.pl.milp.SolutionType
The problem has no feasible solutions.


warning(String) - Static method in class org.ssclab.log.SscLogger
Logs a warning message with the log level WARNING.
writeDouble(double) - Method in class org.ssclab.pl.milp.util.A_Matrix


_1E_M10 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.EPSILON
_1E_M11 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.EPSILON
_1E_M12 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.EPSILON
_1E_M13 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.EPSILON
_1E_M14 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.EPSILON
_1E_M15 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.EPSILON
_1E_M16 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.EPSILON
_1E_M2 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.EPSILON
_1E_M3 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.EPSILON
_1E_M4 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.EPSILON
_1E_M5 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.EPSILON
_1E_M6 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.EPSILON
_1E_M7 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.EPSILON
_1E_M8 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.EPSILON
_1E_M9 - org.ssclab.pl.milp.EPSILON
_ZERO - org.ssclab.pl.milp.EPSILON
A B C E F G I J L M N O P R S T U V W _